The building consists of a main architectural mass, double heighted praying hall companied by mezzanine women’s prayer hall overlooking it from the top. This mass is connected to a smaller service area that serves as the mosque’s facilities such as toilets and stairs. The two masses are separated by a traditional corridor or as it called in the traditional culture “Sabat”, which acts as a main passage that connects the inside and the outside of the neighborhood, simulating the historic neighborhoods of Mubarraz and Hofuf at that era. A panoramic glass hall is attached to the main prayer hall, which overlooks the neighborhood from the outside. Shelfed by as a many historical books that documents the history of the region. Designed in a modern style to express the connection between both “history and the future” of local architecture. The 25 meters high minaret was placed at the corner of the site next to the main road and adjacent to the mosque entrance to the main prayer hall. Acting as a main landmark of the area. Inspired by Al-Ahsa architectural stucco decoration. The façade design is inspired by the traditional porches of Al-Ahsa which overlook a small orchard with a palm tree and a simple water surface symbolizing the idea of the garden in Al-Ahsa.
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